Acupuncture is an ancient technique that originated from China over 3000 years ago and is the fastest growing method of health care in America today. Acupuncture works to restore and balance the body's vital energy (qi or chi) through the use of needles at specific points. In a healthy person the energy flows smoothly. However, if the energy is out of balance or blocked, illness or disease results.
According to the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the World Health Organization (WHO), Acupuncture has been proven effective in the treatment of a wide variety of medical conditions.
Below is a list of conditions that have been effectively treated by Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine:
This is just a sample of commonly treated conditions - there are many more. If you have a condition not listed, please call or email to determine if Acupuncture may be able to help.
Richmond Acupuncture Clinic and Wellness Center in VA