Richmond Acupuncture Clinic and Wellness Center in VA
Since 1988 practicing acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine
Xiaoyan Wang
L. Ac., MD (China)
3721 Westerre Pkwy.
Suite C
Henrico, VA 23233
(804) 301-1784
Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM
Sunday: 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM

   Home      Neck Stiffness
A stiff neck refers to a tightness or rigidity in the muscles supporting the neck. The muscles and bones of the neck have to support the weight of the head and every turn the head makes. Neck stiffness can occur by itself or with neck pain. Neck pain may come from any structure of the neck. This includes the vertebrae and muscles of the upper back, the blood vessels of the neck, and lymph nodes in the neck. Any type of injury or illness can result in a stiff neck. Neck stiffness can also lead to strained ligaments and pain that travels from the neck into the back and arms.
Symptoms of neck stiffness can vary greatly. Symptoms may be mild, causing a slight problem in moving or turning the head and neck. Or the symptoms may be severe, causing great difficulty in moving, turning, or bending the neck.Not all stiff necks are the same. While most of the time a stiff neck is caused by whiplash, ergonomics, wear and tear, or just sleeping in a funny position.
Treatment for stiff neck depends on the underlying cause. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen (Advil) to help relieve pain. The drugs only provide temporary relief from pain and can sometimes cause adverse side effects.
If you suffer from neck stiffness, acupuncture can offer stiffness relief naturally and with no adverse side effects. The sooner the treatment begins, the quicker the neck stiffness relieves. If you would like to pursue this form of treatment or information, please contact us.

Richmond Acupuncture Clinic and Wellness Center in VA